Mountain Anglican Chapel
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Br. Patrick is a Professed Brother in the Anglican Order of Saint Patrick and a Priest in the United Episcopal Church North America. He has been in ordained ministry for 12 years. In the Order for 14 years.
Part of being a brother is prayer and reading the scriptures several times a day. This helps keeps one focused on what is important in this world, along with peace of life. Needing to find that peace or looking for focus. Come spend some time with brother Patrick, let him help you find that peace. Life is to short, it should be purpose filled.
With years of experience leading youth and men's groups, he decided to pursue ordination to enhance these ministry experiences for participants. With blending his love for God and the outdoors has lead to a unique combination to help people reach God and their purpose in life.
He also has experience in planting churches and church growth, he can help your group reach it's dream of planting an Anglican church. Father Patrick teaches the "The Irish Way" of doing church. Following after the methods of St. Patrick or the Celtic way of doing church. It is all about connecting as a community in friendship and fellowship. Learning to commune with God through nature and being at rest. Being involved in church and a small group. Growing into some type of ministry. But most importantly, serving others in the community.
Fr. Patrick is a Partner in Rodgers Precast Consulting. He has a Bachelors of Science in Business, Masters of Arts in Ministry, Master of Arts in Theology, Ministry, and Mission, Honorary Masters of Arts in Ministry, 400 hours of Clinical Pastorial Education - Chaplain. Was a Professor at Latimer Theological Institute for 5 years mostly teaching New Testament courses.
Prior Richard is a Professed Brother in the Anglican Order of Saint Patrick and a Priest in the United Episcopal Church North America. He has been in ordained ministry for 22 years. In the Order for 17 years. Was elected as prior of the Anglican Order of St. Patrick 10 years ago by the whole of the brothers.
A Prior is the high-ranking monastic official who is in charge of an Order or Monastic community. The prior is responsible for the spiritual and administrative leadership of the priory / order and is elected by the brothers within the order. This is a great honor and shows the piety and high regard of the brother elected. Prior Richard is a modest and wise man as you would expect. He takes the time to listen to everyone, no matter the need. He is not the type of man to tell someone what they should do but helps them find and hear God’s voice for their direction.
If you need help slowing down, hearing the word of God in your life, especially through increasing your pray life and service to the church and community. Talk to the Prior, guidance is just one phone call away.
Prior Richard is an evangelist at heart and loves sharing the word of God. He cut his teeth you might say working the streets handing out tracts and sharing the Gospel message to all that would talk with him and that is still his passion. He loves teaching and guiding people in the art of evangelization, a skill that has been greatly lost in today’s church world.
While in the U.S. Army in Germany the bug of ministry got hold of him and lead him on his path to being a priest. He was the Coordinator for Church of God Ministry to the Military Ostfildern, Germany. Coordinated the Center’s ministering to our servicemen and women serving US Army Europe, with activities, guest rooms, managing the bookstore and hosting spiritual retreats; all of these were providing a spiritual haven for weekend getaways for our servicemen and women. 45 years later, not much has changed in his mission.
Come and do a retreat weekend with the Prior!
Prior Richard has had a very impressive career in the church. He would never let anyone know all the positions he has had, but as an Order we are very proud of our Prior and one will see why he got elected to Prior. He has been Dean Christ Church Cathedral Lexington, NC. Canon Missioner to Archbishop Stephen Reber for the United Episcopal Church of North America. Dean Missionary Diocese of the East of the UECNA, and currently Prior to this Order.
196 Bellevue Lane
Boyce, VA 22620
Monday-Friday: 9-5
Saturday: 9-5
Sunday: 9-Noon
We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind.